One day all schools will teach this way…
The days of traditional “Chalk and Talk” teaching method are outdated. Today’s classrooms are undergoing a sea change where media and technology are omnipresent and their influence, far reaching. Students of today live and breathe technology and are rightly called “digital natives”.   
Yara accomplished a major milestone in its continuous efforts to maintain academic excellence by introducing
TeachNext Smart Class across the grades. The
solution with a proven track record in over
8000+ schools in India, turns the classroom into a fascinating place making the learning process more enjoyable for the students.
TeachNext is the optimal digital
classroom solution. Equipped with award-winning
digital content, innovative tools and unique
assessments, it makes the classroom a fun place
to learn in any mode - Physical, Online or
Integrated and activity-based K-12 Curriculum
Aligned with NCF and CCE Guidelines
Caters to visual, kinaesthetic and auditory
Well-researched curriculum comes
together with multi-faceted pedagogy to create
our academic solutions.
Learners are engaged in the
concept, process, or skill to be learned by
making connections between past and present
learning experiences. They actively explore
their environment or manipulate materials to
identify and develop concepts, processes and
